It's been a while since anyone posted here so I'll do the honours!
Let me just say, what a start it has been for me. The minute I went back to school and sat down in those classrooms, it was exercise after exercise after exercise- you get what I mean. Like wow, it's a bit of a shock coming from 10 to 11. The work they put on you and the things you have to get done is harrowing. It's literally only Term 1 Week 5 and it's kinda scary to think that you don't have long until your exams are looming over you. Even worse, that the year is going to go in a flash. Now lets get specific.
Physics: Understanding the context... kind of, work load is minimal, stress?? LOTS OF STRESS
Biology: I don't know what the globe my teacher is talking about sometimes, but her analogy makes it understandable. Really gotta start revising though... ._.
Chemistry: Best subject so far. No complaints :>
Mathematical Methods: Starting PSMT, pretty chill, not too bad, workload is average, stress? meh, it's a pinch in the face
Mathematical Specialist: LOTS OF STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. WORKLOAD IS MASSIVE!!! understanding? yessir 🙂
Quote of today: Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm possible"
And that's the end! Thanks for reading! I'll keep my journey updated. 'peace out'