Rey_of_sunshine Dr. Jess 😉 the account was pretty much going around the site trying to cause problems for attention in a few different discussions so they ended up getting blocked by the mods
Leeshi Leeshi UPDATE Specialists: 19/20 Literally lost a mark for not putting a sentence in T_T screwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shrewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Dr. Jess 😉 Leeshi omg i would be jumping up and down. Spec is super hard u should deff be proud of urself
Leeshi Dr. Jess 😉 awww thank you <333 I am and not at the same time. Mental dilemma... I did the assignment while i was sick and dying. Literally ended up in the hospital ._. I didn't hand in a full draft either so lol, but my teacher is super nice 🙂
Dr. Jess 😉 Leeshi dammnnnn thats sooo good whatt i wish i could do that 😫😫 I cant even finish an assignment when im feeling my best loll
Leeshi Dr. Jess 😉 You'll be able to, in time :> Just gotta keep working ig, but idk how i did it. I was just determined that's all