Melona ⭐ I SOOOO LOVE FEATHER!! DO U LISTEN TO TAYLOR?? (it’s over for the world if you like taylor i will never stfu)

    FH OMG hahah.. not reallyyy😭😭 I do really love some of her popular songs but never really deep dived.. I'm really not a huge swiftie so I really don't know muchh.. do you possibly have any recs from her?? 🥺

    • FH replied to this.

      Melona ⭐ DO I HAVE RECOMMENDATIONS!? you could give my playlist a look, that’s basically a 3rd of her discography which i’m really enjoying right now. there’s a whole range of emotions there!!

        FH OMG 7 HOURS??.. thanks a lot woww, I'll definitely check them out and let u know my favs heheh

        • FH likes this.
        • FH replied to this.

          Melona ⭐ ofc! WHAT DID U THINK OF PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE??? it was SO good personally !!

            FH OMG PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IS PERFECT the vibe is just incredibleee 🤩

            • FH likes this.

            HEHE i made my parents even more mad and they took my headphones… because they know i cannot live without music. little do they know about my ipad 5th gen with the wired headphone socket i still have, so i’ve been listening to music off that HAHAHAH.

            it’s been nice without a phone tbh, i’ve done a lot more work than i would normally do + been able to do extra. but it’s my phone, it’s apart of me (no, i’m not an addict), but i do wish i had it sometimes.

            hope everyone is well !!

              FH I'm glad you've still been able to get through stuff and that you haven't lost your music entirely.
              Hope you get your stuff back soon

              • FH likes this.
              • FH replied to this.

                i’ve given up on fancy post headings and stuff, so i’m just gonna yap here whenever i want to yap!!
                this is day 6 without my phone, and no i am not an addict… my phone is just an escapism thing. also wanted to make it clear i’m not a troubled child- i just called out my parents for being unfair and rude and they didn't like the truth, so that’s that. study periods without music is really dull, but my friend has a spare pair of headphones she’s gonna give me which is really nice.

                school has been… bleh. it was so windy to walk in this morning, but i managed to stay grounded and not fly away. started doing practice exams though, so go me i guess!!

                i have my EI oral presentation tomorrow (holy shit i didn’t realise it was tomorrow until i tried figuring when wednesday was), a mock critical thinking test for EI on thursday, and a unit 3 exam for english on friday. lucky me! november 6 cannot come fast enough…

                eh other than that life is just… life? conan gray is in a month, which i’m really excited for, but i have my business and psychology exams two days before the concert (yep, during the school holidays), so i am very very short on time in terms of making bracelets, outfit prep, etc. might do my nails, but that’s a matter for my nail-biting anxiety coping mechanism.

                i’m going to stop yapping BYEEEE

                  FH wow, if our school did that we'd have about 10 people show up max

                  • FH replied to this.

                    Rey_of_sunshine they reiterate how we must do it- they also use it as an opportunity to give a satisfactory outcome for those failing.
                    please our school is running an hour-long gat information session after school……

                      FH we got GAT info in our mentor classes, we don't really do anything outside of school hours. Most students dont care enough for it to work

                      • FH likes this.

                      if our school ran an hour long gat info session there would be riots bc so many of us have to take country buses home so loads of our parents would fight with the school bc they wouldnt want to pick us up lmao

                      • FH likes this.

                      same me. new pfp and i decided using my preferred name doesn’t hurt… got a little tired of being called FH 😭

                      I AM SO MADDDD. my EI teacher got back to my friday email today… and the SAC is today 🙁

                        YR10SEHSASPIRANT ahhhh i need it. i have a single study right now i should work on it and get it done…
                        EDIT: i am writing a song and not the SAC. i love making smart life choices