Next year I'm planning to sit the macrob and suzanne cory test in yr 9 (run by edutest) for yr 10 entry. Does anyone know if the test will be sure to open or only if students are leaving?
Also, if suzanne cory test and macrob test both run by edutest, I think the content will be different but does the style be the same? Like the same level of difficulty and patterns/knowledge?
I also sat the selective test in 2024 this year (run by ACER) and did not get in. And I went to JAC, which I didn't find helpful at all since JAC was more like edutest but the actual exam was like ACER. Do u guys think I should go to JAC again since they are now edutest. Please help me!!!!
Btw, to ppl who did the test this yr (2024), how was the format and did anyone sit for both test Suzanne and Macrob?
Thank you so muchh