hiii i'm k, welcome to my VCE journal!! I've always been the kind of person to read VCE journals and I thought why not start my own. So whilst procrastinating for studying for my last yr 11 exam today (Art Creative Practice) I decided to write my first post π
My subjects for year 12 next year will be:
Art Creative Practice
Methods π
And I've already completed Units 3 & 4 Biology this year as higher study in year 11
Tbh I'm feeling kinda sorta ready for year 12, as I feel like i've started to figure out how I study best and have supportive friends and teachers. But I still can't believe I'm almost in my last year of highschool!! 13 years of mandatory education are almost over! yay
So what are my plans for when I finish year 12? Well i currently don't really know what job I'd like to do when I finish school but i do know what i want to study. I'm hoping to study the Bachelor of Arts at UniMelb majoring in Psychology and studying a minor in Media and Communications. I've always been really interested in Psychology though I definitely don't want to be a psychologist, so I'll see where the degree takes me π As for Media and Coms, the first job I ever knew I wanted to do was to be a writer and someday I'd love to write my own book, but in terms of jobs, journalism of some sort might be an option. Though being honest, I don't think I'll end up in a conventional work setting, e.g- an office job or something, but i'm trying not to worry too much about that
I am however a bit, ok maybe a lot, worried about one of my year 12 subjects: METHODS!! π
I really don't want to do methods next year, and not bc i don't think i'm capable of doing it. i've got decent grades, and some above the class average, but i just really don't like maths. which I know is pretty common, but given that I need an 88 ATAR for my dream course, or rather a 90 given I'm hoping to receive the Hansen Scholarship, I can't afford to procrastinate on studying a subject i really don't like which could affect how much study I do for other subjects and then potentially my grades for the subjects I really want to do well in; Psychology, English, and Literature. And it could affect how much time I put into Art which is my folio subject and requires a lot of time and effort, which I learnt when this year's Unit 2 folio was due a couple weeks ago!! So i'm hoping I can drop to general/further maths, though I haven't done Units 1 & 2 of general. I'd appreciate any tips from those who have studied General 3 & 4, in particular those who also didn't do Units 1 & 2, or general info about whether it was particularly difficult! Some of my friends did General/Further Maths Units 3 & 4 as higher study this year in year 11 and said that Units 1 & 2 didn't really matter, but not sure if anyone else might have a different perspective on that.
Anyways, I'll post sometime in the next few days any updates about switching my maths subject and maybe what study scores I would like to aim for next year and why. Also I've got leadership camp next week so maybe an update on that π
Also just wanted to give a shout out to @Rey_of_sunshine and @FH who's VCE journals I've followed this year, and are honestly an inspiration for my own VCE journal π