Heyo again! It's been almost 3 weeks so here's an update.
As for Year 10 currently, everythings alright. Most of my studying is dedicated to Pre-Methods, the rest of my subjects are pretty bludgy and I honestly don't feel the need to pass aside from the bare minimum. Most of my current school cohort just do not want to learn, which is fine, I guess for them but like what? An average day for most of my classes devolve into:
First 10 Minutes: Calm before the storm
-A group of kids proceed to come late and start talking loudly.
-Teacher proceeds to get into a heated back and forward debate. Learning gets disrupted for like the handful of kids paying attention. This goes on for almost the rest of the session.
-Usually by then the teacher gives up or keeps on giving them the repetitive shush every minute or two. Alternatively the teacher starts to yell and calls in for backup teachers. By that point everyone has given up and is doing their own thing
This has happened on a regular basis for at least 4 of my subjects this year and it has given me so much DISDAIN for my current school, or at least for the past few years. Yes, schools should give support for students with difficulties, but not at the cost of THE STUDENTS WHO WANT TO LEARN nor should they do it in this outdated, ineffective manner.
Anyways I digress since I won't be there next year. It's really a shame, I've been there since I was in Prep- TLDR, COVID and teacher shortages have really screwed the public school I grew up in.
On a more positive note though, I finished my applications for my new school! Got to go on a few tours, and I enjoy the more tight-nit community, artsy aesthetic the school has. The teachers and students there are very passionate and respectful which almost feels like culture shock. I'm sooo looking forward for next year, honestly haha...
Anyways, subject selections have been released so I went ahead and filled it in...then changed it 2 times before finalising it. I've been weighing out my tertiary options, prereqs and ATAR requirments so that's been a real help. My finalised subjects for next year.
English Language
Maths Methods General Maths
Extended Investigation
Switched from Business to Econ (VSV) after comparing study designs, seems more interesting and generally useful according to other people, so fingers crossed!
Anyways not much else to say, just going to continue eating, sleeping and repeating for now! ...(+ some procrastination, studying, drawing and crying!).
Edit 11/24/23 : Subject Selections got messed over and now after getting it fixed and some deliberation (+pressure) and now I'm doing General Maths 1/2. Hopefully future me doesn't regret this 😃! Ah welp.