Anyways update for y'all: I'm done with Year 10 Exams!
As for how they were...eh? Advanced English went surprisingly well as far time management went, I somehow got everything finished (except for the 3rd paragraph of the 2nd essay I didn't have time to write but still!). I don't know too much English Language exams are like yet, but hopefully the essay writing isn't too intense, cause I'm frankly scared.
Pre-Methods was...very interesting. For some reason, the staff had handed out the Semester 1 Pre-Methods exam instead of the Semester 2 one. This school for real never fails to boggle me, haha. My class literally protested to the supervising teacher who told us just to do the exam (bruh??) so for the first 20ish minutes I sat speechless with my head down. Fortunately they got it fixed and we got an extension, but if that ain't a spectacular way to end a year of intense Math classes, I dunno what is! I'm doing General Maths next year though, so rest assured I should be able to relax more-
Biology, despite doing jackshit I actually got decent results, which genuinely concerns me on the learning expectations of that class.
Sociology actually went really well, it probably will be my highest grade! My mind somehow didn't go blank as many times as it should of and I got everything done, even if it was a bit rushed at the end. All the questions were pretty straightforward with just 'explain + example' questions so, uhh yay!
Now with exams all done, I'm now technically in Year 11; we have reached the educational endgame, my fellow soldiers! I should be starting my transition classes within a week for two, which is quite exciting! Hopefully by next year, I'll find my footing in the eastern suburbs and meet new friends and experiences! ...That sounded very cheesy didn't it?
Enjoy your school holiday everyone! See y'all on the flip side-!